An Intro To Cloud Computing

Tetteh Israel
3 min readNov 25, 2021



Have you ever wondered where all your large amount of data is stored, or how you gain that 1 terabyte storage. for your applications after payment or even where all the resources needed for your applications comes from ? Let’s find out in this article.

Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources over the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing instead of owning and maintaining a physical data center and servers,you can have access to different technology services, such as databases, storage, and computing power from cloud providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, etc.

The on- demand delivery means that cloud providers have the services you need and anytime you need them it’s easy to access them, be it virtual servers or storages. One good advantage of cloud computing is that, as soon as you need any of the services, just pay and start using and as soon as you don’t need them anymore just as quickly, you can return them back and stop payments immediately. When managing your own data centers, this kind of flexibility is not just possible.

Benefits Of Cloud Computing

  • Trade upfront expenses for variable expenses : Instead of investing heavily in data centers or physical servers that you don’t know how to use or before you use them, you can pay only for computing resources that you will consume and pay only for what you consume.
  • Stop spending money to run and maintain data centers : Computing in data centers often requires you to spend time and money in managing infrastructure and servers. So the benefit of cloud computing is that it helps you focus less on these tasks and more on your applications and customers.
  • Go global in minutes : In cloud computing, you can easily deploy your application in different regions around the world with just a few steps and clicks. This means you can provide a better experience and lower latency for your customers at lower cost.
  • Increase speed and agility : When computing in data centers, it may take weeks to obtain new resources that you need. With the flexibility in cloud computing it makes it easier for you to develop and deploy applications.
  • Benefits from massive economies of scales : Because of the usage of hundreds of thousands of customers around the world aggregate in the cloud. Cloud providers can achieve higher economies of scale. With this customers can get lower pay-as-you-go prices.
  • Stop guessing capacity : Whole thinking of the kind of capacity your infrastructure needs, you will need to eliminate that thought. With cloud computing these problems are solved. You can access as much or as little capacity you need and can also scale up and down your capacity with only a few minutes’ notice.

Thank you for taking time to read this

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